Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy holidays from The Ferret Inn

We at The Ferret Inn thank you for your support, especially at this time of year.

Since the holiday season is here, we would like you to think about the animals that don't yet have homes. You can help The Ferret Inn by shopping through iGive, a program that donates a portion of your money to The Inn that you spend on online purchases. So far The Ferret Inn has received over a hundred dollars from your purchases.

Additionally, if you prefer to directly donate an item to the shelter that we could use, please visit our "wishlist" on

You can also make a tax-deductible donation to The Ferret Inn right before the end of this year to help you on your tax returns for 2008. Due to the economy, ferret shelters in Maryland are at full capacity and we are no exception. We are currently providing shelter for more ferrets than we have ever had in the history of the Inn; therefore, our overall operating costs and vet bills are at an all-time high.

We thank you for your continuing financial support and hope you have a happy holiday season.