Friday, October 31, 2008

October update

  • Dookie went to a home after a long time at the shelter. After his bilateral adrenal surgery, his two cagemates Fiona and Cheedle no longer recognized him and Dookie had to be separated from his group. We are delighted that this story has a happy ending after all.
  • One of the two male ferrets from the Black Jack 21 group was adopted by a loving ferret owner. Having never been in a home, the Black Jack boy will thrive in his new place.
  • Templeton and Wilbur, the two strays that were reunited at the shelter, have been adopted. They will be missed, but we are happy they finally found a home.
  • Cesar was adopted by me. He's since been renamed "Gummy Bear" and loves Opie, my other ferret.

  • Chloe underwent surgery on October 22 for adrenal disease and insulinoma. A hairball was found during the surgery and was removed. Unfortunately, she did not recover from surgery and passed away on October 24.
  • Flea #2 came from an animal shelter with a cage mate (Flea #3). They were both anemic because they were infested with fleas. Sadly, Flea #2 did not make it despite the efforts of our volunteers.
  • Flea #3 has been at The Inn for a little over two weeks, and after being severely underweight and anemic, her weight has already doubled and she looks better every day. While at the vet, she received a life-saving blood transfusion from the Black Jack boy (who was adopted later).
  • Since their arrival, The Black Jack 21 have become more playful and comfortable in their new environment. We are always excited to see the different personalities developing among the sea of weasels. We placed the group in a tree-story Ferret Nation cage. And even though the levels are all connected, the entire group prefers to sleep on top of each other.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Spotlight on volunteers: Cortney

Cortney Baca has been with The Ferret Inn since the beginning of September 2008. She got married in June and moved from New Mexico in July. She's been coming Tuesdays and Thursdays and, other than scooping and fluffing, she's The Ferret Inn's "scribe."

How did you become interested in ferrets and The Ferret Inn?

My husband and I have always loved animals, and we're constantly looking for new ways to help and to bring new critters into our lives. When we first moved here, I needed a job and was searching online for a job where I could put my love for furry friends to good use. I saw your website and was touched by the work, but I was very busy then, so I put it in the back of my mind. A month or so later, we were at a pet store picking up food, litter, etc. and Antony was really into the ferrets. I suggested we learn more about taking care of them and went home to research online. I read loads of information, but I wanted something more concrete.Then it clicked! I remembered "the Ferret Inn" online, and thought what better way to learn more about them than to volunteer and care for them hands-on. The rest, as they say, is history!

Do you have any ferrets, or other pets?

We don't have any ferrets yet, we are still getting settled into our new life and think that ferret keeping is a big project better suited for our future goals. We do have 3 fishtanks with various aquatic friends and 3 rescue cats that have come into our lives. Midna, Ganon and Azrael.

What's your favorite part about volunteering at The Ferret Inn?

I'd have to go with....kisses. No, maybe cucumber snack time. Well, maybe its big rowdy play sessions...No, probably Nancy's coffee. Well, lets just say I love everything about volunteering, but most of all I love the feeling of helping out the ones that can't help themselves.

What's your least favorite part about volunteering at The Ferret Inn?

Bad poop.

Do you have a favorite ferret?

I've got several favorites. Jumpin' Bean (from the Black Jack Crew), Luna, Buffy and Jody...those are probably my favorite friends.

How did you learn most of the ferrets' names in just under a month.

I can't remember human names for the life of me, but I've always had a knack for animal names. It might have something to do with the fact that I talk to them all day while I'm cleaning, using names over and over helps you to remember. I feel bad when animals don't have a name, so I like to be polite and use their names whenever I can. :)

You recently got a job. What is it that you do?

I'm teaching dance at a local studio. I've been dancing since I was 13, and am planning on going back to school to finish my dance degree. I love working with the kids and passing on my love of the arts to the next generation.

What's it like to be a newlywed while being away from the people and places you've known your entire life?

It's hard. I miss my friends and family, but we will be seeing them at Christmas. When we were in Las Cruces, NM and El Paso, TX, we were right on the border to Mexico, so one of the things I miss most is authentic Mexican food. We miss the desert some, but the change in scenery is most welcome. I love the trees and creeks, the pathways by our house are gorgeous. That is something you don't get back home. So far as being newlyweds on top of that, there are pros and cons. For the pros, we get to spend lots of time just the two of us, which we didn't back home, because we shared the same group of close-knit friends, so we were always in a big group. For the cons, we spent lots of time just the two of us, hahaha. We can bug each other quickly. We are enjoying settling into our new place and getting to know the area, though.

The Ferret Inn highly values its volunteers and is always in need of more. If you are interested in volunteering at The Ferret Inn, please email Fili at

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Special delivery: 21 ferrets!

We want to introduce you to a new “special collection” of ferrets available for immediate adoption! These 21 ferrets (19 jills and 2 hobbs) have come to us via a research facility. They are some of the most beautiful fitches and points, with little dark noses, luscious coats and lovely dispositions. Prior to their arrival they led a very sterile and unstimulated life. We are always amazed to see how eager they are for affection and are very engaging with our staff. The arrival of these special kids is an event here at the "Inn". Watching these ferrets running through tubes, pouncing on crinkle sacks, and popping in peanuts for the first time, is a real tear jerker! We are grateful that the folks at the research facility have chosen us to mainstream these ferrets into homes and allow them the life they so deserve.

The research done on these little ones has left no ill-effects. In fact, they have all been properly vetted with all shots and are ADV negative! A year of so ago we received a smaller group of ferrets from a research facility and we were able to place each of them into their forever homes in a very short time.

We will be hosting an “Open House” to the public to meet our special houseguests and all of the other beautiful charges that are currently residing at the "Inn".

This is what happened when they were let loose for the first time:

See the rest of the pictures here.

If you are interested in adopting one of these ferrets, please fill out an adoption application.

UPDATE: The Ferret Inn has received 5 more Black Jacks on February 3, 2009.

Monday, October 6, 2008

October is Hairball Awareness Month

I declare October to be Hairball Awareness Month (or "HAM"). With winter approaching, many ferrets are shedding their summer coats. And keeping the ferrets from getting hairballs during shedding season is vital to their well-being. Plucking or brushing the shedding ferrets, giving them lax, and washing their bedding are just some ways to reduce the likelihood of blockages.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ferrets on acupuncture

Tiana Guinard, a certified animal acupuncturist, comes every week to treat ferrets with health issues. She makes sure to treat each ferret according to his or her illness. Today she treated Mary (among many), who enjoyed the extra attention and the food we "bribed" her with.