Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Ferret Inn at the Fandango

The Ferret Inn had a successful showing at the semi-annual Ferret Fandango, an AFA sponsored show hosted by The Pennsylvania Ferret Club.

Our little shelter girl, "Mandy" won the prestigious title of "Senorita of the Fandango" and is the proud winner of the coveted Sombrero! She also pulled off a second in the Mutt class and was on her best behavior throughout the show.

The beautiful "Love a Weasel" bedding set raffle drawing was held at 4:00 PM at the show. Lindsay Forgette, an attendee of the Fandango, was the proud winner!

Between Lisa O's popular bedding sets and Pam Z's baked gourmet goodies sales, we have replenished our funds. 100% of the proceeds of the sales go towards the care of the ferrets.